In Their Own Words – Zach Long

Every year, hundreds of leaders receive training from Patriot Academy. And every year that number is increasing! Through email updates, our social media, and the Patriot Press, we work to keep you informed about the impact that supporters like you are having through Patriot Academy’s work.

It’s one thing for us to tell you about the impact Patriot Academy is having, and the difference it is making in the hearts and lives of America’s leaders, but it’s another thing for us to show you.

And what better way than through the testimony of the students themselves. 


What first got you interested in Patriot Academy?

I learned about it at an event hosted by Dennis Prager.

Was the experience what you had expected? Why or why not?

Yes. After hearing about what it was, I expected immersive floor sessions and debate, and learning about what it means to be a Christian patriot in this country. I got all of that and more.

Has Patriot Academy changed the direction where you see your life heading?

Because of Patriot Academy, I’m considering a run for office later in my life!

What particular skills did Patriot Academy teach you that you are using today?

We had a session dedicated to public speaking, where we practiced not using our verbal ticks, making eye contact, and other communication enhancement techniques. These were all awesome skills I have carried over into my life!  

What was the most important thing you learned at Patriot Academy?

I learned the value of maintaining my integrity no matter where I am.


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like Zach can continue being trained through Patriot Academy?

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What is a 1776er?

Now more than ever before – except for on Christmas Day 1776 – we need to restore liberty! Patriot Academy is aiming to enlist 1,776 patriots to join our movement to restore liberty by becoming a ‘1776er’.

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