Where They Are Now: South Carolina State Representative Jonathon Hill

Patriot Academy is having a nation-wide impact that is expanding every single year. The alumni that are trained at Patriot Academy are not your “average” young people as evidenced by the drive and passion that mark their lives. No matter the career or position they find themselves in, the young leaders that have experienced Patriot Academy take the skills they have learned and put them to use in making a difference.

Here at the Patriot Press, we are highlighting some of these Patriot Academy graduates who are truly leading the change in America.


Age: 32
State: South Carolina
Year(s) Attended: 2009-2011, and I was back in 2012-2014 as a volunteer.

What first got you interested in Patriot Academy?

I was inspired to attend by hearing David Barton talk about how Christians can impact the political process just by getting involved. When the TEA Party movement kicked off, I attended because I wanted to better understand how the legislative process works, and could be more effective back in my home state of South Carolina.

Was the experience what you had expected? Why or why not?

It was a lot more fun than I expected! I only intended to go one year, but it turned out to be pretty addictive and I had to keep coming back.

Has Patriot Academy changed the direction where you see your life heading?

Definitely! I decided to run for office while listening to a talk at Patriot Academy! It was 2013, and Kassie Dulin was giving a talk about using our abilities to make a difference in our corner, wherever we find ourselves. The thought appeared very clearly in my mind, as if it were a text message from heaven: “How many more ways do I have to prepare you before you do what you’re supposed to do?” At that moment, I made a decision that the rest of my life wasn’t going to be staying safe and comfortable and having fun, because I had a job to do: to glorify God.

What particular skills did Patriot Academy teach you that you are using today?

How to evaluate good policy, recognize socialism, and frame the issue during debate. Also, basic parliamentary process.

What opportunities and/or connections came as a result of Patriot Academy?

During my years at PA I made many conservative friends, some of whom helped out when I decided to run for office. It has been fun watching my fellow PA alumni get involved in their home states, grow up, and start families. Through some of these friends, I met my future wife!

What was the most important thing you learned at Patriot Academy?

The importance of self-sacrifice.


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