You Are a Part of a Generation of Servant Leaders,
Championing the Cause of Freedom & Truth

Select 2025 Patriot Academy Leadership Congress Applications Are Now Open!

The premier training ground for young American Patriots

Focusing on leadership training combined with the most realistic, simulated legislative sessions in America, students leave with the Principles, Strategies, and Skills to lead their generation and our nation with character and courage.

Students who attend a Regional or National Leadership Congress will:

  • Participate in the nation’s most realistic, simulated legislative session at state capitols across the country.
  • Be equipped to confront major issues of the day with Biblical, Historical, and Constitutional principles.
  • Develop leadership skills required to change the culture with character, courage, and purpose.
  • Learn how to apply civics with our founding fathers’ philosophy of governance.
  • Build lasting friendships with other young men and women who desire to be salt and light in the world.

Leadership Congress is a life-changing event that will leave you inspired, entertained, and educated into action to live out your purpose.

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Choose Your Leadership Congress

With locations all around the country and dates throughout the summer, select the Leadership Congress that works best for you to get more info & apply!

Click Below on the State or the Sidebar of Your Choice for Details

Are YOU Ready for Patriot Academy?

We are looking for men and women who are ready to influence and lead across all areas of the culture – family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, government, and technology.

Applicants must demonstrate a mindset in line with the mission to restore America’s Constitutional Republic by renewing the Biblical principles of liberty upon which the nation was built. You must possess an eagerness to seek truth and a strong work ethic, exhibited through preparation and service. Your journey starts here.

Frequently Asked Questions

You should attend if you desire to grow in leadership, character, and courage. You’ll make lifelong friends and leave equipped to lead your sphere of influence wherever the Lord leads you.

Currently, we have events in Arizona, Idaho, Florida, Delaware, Texas, and Indiana. If you would like to bring a Leadership Congress to your state, please email [email protected]. Students are housed at a hotel or dorm near the hosting state’s Capitol. Everything except sleep happens at the Capitol. For your committee meetings, you’ll meet in a Capitol committee room. You and other students will debate your bills on the main floor of the Capitol’s House or Senate chamber. Whatever you’re doing, it’s on location. The Regional Leadership Congress locations in Arizona, Idaho, Florida, Delaware, and Indiana are 3-day sessions, while the National Leadership Congress in Texas is a 7-day session open to all qualifying students from around the country.

A Patriot Academy Leadership Congress provides a hands-on, student-led, political philosophy, principles, and process immersion. 

Students will experience:

  • Presenting and questioning a bill
  • Functioning in a committee meeting
  • Debating multiple positions on current issues
  • Voting on legislation
  • Building coalitions
  • Campaigning for office as a candidate

Students will learn personal skills, such as:

  • Public speaking
  • Media relations
  • Building rapport with individuals and any audience
  • Professional interactions
  • Discerning the truth
  • Identifying good legislation
  • Defending your beliefs

Students will learn foundational philosophy for governance, including:

  • The founding fathers’ vision for America
  • Proper role/God’s purpose for government
  • The foundation for our system of government
  • The Constitution in the past, present, and future
  • Principles of limited government
  • Statesmanship and character

Students will hear about today’s most relevant issues from a Biblical worldview, including:

  • Sanctity of Life
  • Traditional/Natural Marriage
  • Second Amendment Rights
  • Church and State Relations
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Property Rights
  • Free Enterprise Economy
  • Federalism
  • Immigration
  • Individual Liberties

Students will receive practical advice and training from:

  • State Representatives
  • Policy Experts
  • Motivational Speakers
  • Local Elected Officials
  • Campaign and Legislative Staff
  • Citizen activists who are making a difference

After a day of initial training and orientation, the schedule is typically: Breakfast, Devotional, Workshop, Committee Meeting, Lunch, Floor Session, Speaker, Committee Meeting, Dinner, Featured Speaker, Fellowship, and Sleep. This is a general representation of a schedule. We start early in the morning and go until late at night, generally a 12-15 hour day.

Students must be 16-25 years old; age exceptions may be allowed under special circumstances. You can contact us ([email protected]) if you’d like more information. All age waiver requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Click here to access our Fundraising Kit with many ideas!

A $97 deposit is required when submitting an application for any Leadership Congress. The $97 deposit (nonrefundable) will be applied to your tuition. 

Fundraising opportunities are  available. You will be assigned a “mentor” to guide you and help you brainstorm fundraising ideas. We also provide a comprehensive fundraising guide and sample letters for your use.

Click here to apply for Patriot Academy. Be prepared to provide:

    • Applicant contact information
    • Parent/Guardian information
    • Resume
    • 2 essays
    • 2 reference letters
    • Social media links (if applicable)
    • Short bio
    • Education background
    • Dietary restrictions
    • $97 deposit/application fee

We have 120 seats available for the National Leadership Congress in Texas, and approximately 50 seats available at each of the Regional Leadership Congress. We encourage you to apply early! It’s never too late to apply! Applications received after the Academy is full will be placed on a waiting list. To qualify for discounted rates, please note the tuition submission “postmarked/paid online deadlines” by which time tuition must be paid-in-full. 

For specific discounted tuition rates for each Leadership Congress, click here. NOTE: Your spot is not guaranteed until tuition is paid-in-full and all registration forms are completed and submitted. (You may pay your tuition in full prior to acceptance to secure tuition rates.) Partial scholarships are available as funds last. Students must attempt to fundraise before requesting a partial scholarship. All partial scholarship requests are reviewed on an individual basis. Please contact us ([email protected]) for more information.

The Leadership Congress is an exhilarating, intense, and fun experience. In order to get the most out of your time with us at a Leadership Congress, our entire team is dedicated to helping you prepare for the week. You will be assigned a “mentor” who will walk you through the bill writing/research process (i.e. your personal resource for any questions you may have from what to wear to lobbying tips!).

Additionally, you will have access to your student portal with a whole preparation course which will give you a sneak peek into what floor sessions, committee meetings, etc. are like. In this course, there are also several hours worth of required reading, listening, and viewing–these will greatly amplify your Leadership Congress experience!

  • Not in the 16-25 age range or lacking the maturity to function at a high level in the intensity of a PA-Leadership Congress.
  • Demonstrably opposed to the basic principles taught by Patriot Academy. The PA Leadership Congress staff strives to distinguish between an applicant developing their worldview, but open to study and learning more about founding principles; as opposed to a student who has rejected founding principles and is actively working against them.
  • Publicly violating basic morals in such a way that would bring disrespect upon Patriot Academy.
  • Failure to complete the application process or properly preparing to attend a PA Leadership Congress.

Leadership Congress is for anyone who wants to grow as a leader in every area of culture and be pushed outside their comfort zone! One of the great things about a PA Leadership Congress is the environment causes students to quickly build friendships and develop a “team” mentality. Just like in the real legislature, students end up finding their niche in a variety of roles. Some students love debating at the microphone; others enjoy working on the process. Since the students run their own committee meetings and floor sessions, how you choose to get involved is up to you.

We do ask, though, that you come willing to think, learn, and grow. Some of our most hesitant students have found themselves so inspired by the experience that they couldn’t help but get involved and wound up becoming some of our strongest leaders.

Sponsor a Student or Give a Donation

If you want to contribute to a specific student, please ask the student for their unique fundraising URL.

We encourage students to work hard to raise their own tuition, but some are not able to raise the full amount. Your generous gift not only helps students attend our life-changing  training, but also helps us cover the real costs that exceed the students tuition. 

Click the button below to support Leadership Congress as a whole.