Today’s Founder’s Bible reading (pgs 41-46; Gen 22-26) reminds me of how important the decision of choosing your spouse will be for not just your life, but your parents and other extended family. Esau created a lot of misery for the family because he ignored his parents advice. I believe there is no perfect, magical formula for dating, courting, etc.; but I do believe there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors (literally a hundred different versus about this) and my experience is that most of joyful, successful marriages we see are those where the couple sought confirmation and advice from parents, siblings, and close friends; while most of the miserable marriages we see are the ones where the couple went with their feelings and ignored the advice of loved ones. Before you give your exception to the rule, let me say again… no perfect, magic formula and I agree every situation is different, but the basic principle holds for any situation. Who can name the movie below?