January 5, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

“Is anything too difficult for the Lord?” – Gen 18:14 is at the heart of today’s reading in the Founder’s Bible (pg 27-32). Some of you, like Sarah, think you’re too old for God to use…but I say you are, for such a time as this, called to step out in faith & help restore liberty in this land. YOU can be the catalyst for restoring Biblical values & Constitutional principles in your community. Start a Biblical Citizenship class NOW! Don’t wait. Time is of the essence. Sign up for FREE today at BiblicalCitizens.com & use all of our free tools, training, & materials to get a class going immediately.

The rest of today’s reading includes the destruction of Sodom. A lot could be said here as it applies to our current culture, but the thing that stood out most to me while reading today was that Lot had lived among the deviancy for so long, he was willing to hand over his own virgin daughters to be ravaged by thugs. He had picked the pretty, fertile land to make his home. I wonder how many chances he had to leave when it became obvious how much evil surrounded him? He would escape with his life, but lose his wife and who knows what else. Let’s make sure we don’t make the same mistake of choosing comfort & pleasure over standing for righteousness. “Tolerance” of evil is not a virtue. Allowing it to influence our families & take our children… that’s evil itself.

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