January 10, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading


Today’s Founder’s Bible reading (pgs 59-65; Gen 37 – 41) reminds us that those who say the Bible is boring have never read it! Just these 6 pages today make Yellowstone, Days of Our Lives, and Psych seem like unimaginative dramas!!! Sex, slavery, execution, famine, seduction, sibling rivalry… we’ve got it all here folks. Most amazing to me today is Joseph’s incredible attitude. I’d venture to say not a person reading this post has had it as bad as Joseph (brothers tried to kill him then sold him into slavery; put in prison for being righteous instead of indulging pleasure and sin; and more)…yet he must have been both joyful and faithful to rise to the very top in Potiphar’s massive household, the jail, and then the entire Kingdom. He ends up being used by God to quite literally, no exaggeration, save the entire world from starvation. And this was at the ripe old age of…wait for it… thirty!

There are also mini-bios on John Adams & Thomas Jefferson in today’s reading. Rightly so with Jefferson since he wrote the greatest government founding document in history (the Declaration) at the ripe old age of only 33.

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