Every year, hundreds of leaders receive training from Patriot Academy. And every year that number is increasing! Through email updates, our social media, and the Patriot Press, we work to keep you informed about the impact that supporters like you are having through Patriot Academy’s work.
It’s one thing for us to tell you about the impact Patriot Academy is having, and the difference it is making in the hearts and lives of America’s leaders, but it’s another thing for us to show you.
And what better way than through the testimony of the students themselves.
What first got you interested in Patriot Academy?
I’ve been interested in government for awhile. My parents heard about Patriot Academy and thought it would be a good experience for me to learn more about government and politics.
Was the experience what you had expected? Why or why not?
To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect. I was super nervous going into it, but after the first night of Patriot Academy, my nerves went away and I ended up having an amazing, life changing week!
Has Patriot Academy changed the direction where you see your life heading?
Patriot Academy has definitely guided me towards going into politics. It also helped shape my views on political issues.
What particular skills did Patriot Academy teach you that you are using today?
Patriot Academy has definitely made me more comfortable with public speaking. Also, I’ve been campaigning with my local Congressman. The amazing campaign training at Patriot Academy definitely helped me to be prepared.
What opportunities and/or connections came as a result of Patriot Academy?
I’ve gotten a lot of connections through people who attended Patriot Academy with me. I’ve had an opportunity to meet Ted Cruz, campaign with my local GOP office, and I’m now a campaign intern for Congressman Michael Cloud.
What was the most important thing you learned at Patriot Academy?
Patriot Academy has taught me that even though I’m still not old enough to vote, I can still make a political impact in my community.