Every year, hundreds of leaders receive training from Patriot Academy. And every year that number is increasing! Through email updates, our social media, and the Patriot Press, we work to keep you informed about the impact that supporters like you are having through Patriot Academy’s work.
It’s one thing for us to tell you about the impact Patriot Academy is having, and the difference it is making in the hearts and lives of America’s leaders, but it’s another thing for us to show you.
And what better way than through the testimony of the students themselves.
What first got you interested in Patriot Academy?
I have always been interested in American history and government. I also had a hard time finding peers who shared my passion for doing something with my life.
When I heard about Patriot Academy from the Mom of a fellow student I knew it would be a great opportunity.
Was the experience what you had expected? Why or why not?
No. It was even better than I could have dreamed!
I learned to think critically at a level I had never done before. I also met some of the most amazing people! I may have only known them for 3 days but I felt like I’d known them a lifetime and our friendships have only grown since.
Has Patriot Academy changed the direction where you see your life heading?
Yes. Before Patriot Academy I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I knew I wanted to change the world but I didn’t know how or if I even could.
Patriot Academy encouraged me so much and showed me that I could change the world and I could use my love of history to do it.
Before I was looking for the most practical career but now I’ve decided to be a historian. I know it will not be easy but I am willing to work hard and I know it is worth it.
What particular skills did Patriot Academy teach you that you are using today?
I learned so many things at Patriot Academy! But critical thinking and constructive disagreement would be the top two.
At Patriot Academy, we get to debate and vote on actual bills. This requires a lot of in-depth thought. Also though everyone at Patriot Academy shares similar values and principles, we do not always apply them in the same ways so we come to different conclusions.
All you have to do is say “term limits” and you will find how many different opinions we can get! But through this, I have learned so much about interacting with people with whom I disagree. It’s been great to learn the reasons behind their beliefs.
What opportunities and/or connections came as a result of Patriot Academy?
I had the opportunity to sit down with Tim Barton one evening at the National Patriot Academy and ask him about studying history. I also met a student who attends Hillsdale College. They were able to answer my questions and give me advice as I worked on applying to Hillsdale (where I have since been accepted!).
What was the most important thing you learned at Patriot Academy?
The most important thing I learned was that I am not alone.
There are hundreds of people out there who care about making a difference and who share my love of America’s founding principles. And together, we can lead the change in this country!
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like Eliana can continue being trained through Patriot Academy?