February 2, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

Today’s reading is going to be a real problem for the feel good Christians that think you should never “judge” (a.k.a. saying some things are right and some things are wrong) since we’re about to see that all kinds of sexual things are an “abomination” & “perversion” according to the Creator. And don’t miss verse 21 of Ch. 18 if you’re wondering whether abortion is wrong. There is so much in here about treating neighbors fairly, having blind justice in our system, and so much more. No doubt some of the items you’ll read today are ceremonial law (as we discussed before), while others are moral law, or judicial, or social compact. Pray for discernment. And the context of all of this is that God’s people have been living amongst all these violations of the laws of nature and nature’s God and it’s really hard not to be like the world you are in. Yet these chapters today make it clear God expects us to be set apart. We’ve ALL failed at this in one way or another. Today, let’s recommit to not be like the world around us and instead be a light to the darkness.

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