Are Forced Vaccinations Constitutional?

Is law professor Alan Dershowitz right when he says that the government has the right to drag you or your children from your home and plunge a needle in them? It is critical that you know your rights and be able to discern narrative from truth. Join Rick Green on the studio set of WallBuilders Live as he discusses whether the government has the authority to forcefully vaccinate you and your family.

What is a 1776er?

Now more than ever before – except for on Christmas Day 1776 – we need to restore liberty! Patriot Academy is aiming to enlist 1,776 patriots to join our movement to restore liberty by becoming a ‘1776er’.

75% Off the Entire Library of Liberty!

Filmed in the very room where the Constitution was written... this course will give you a complete understanding of the Founding Fathers original intent of the Constitution