Today’s Constitutional Minute: What Do Judicial Qualifications Look Like in Texas?

Judges often have a “mysterious appearance” to the public. Often, very little is known about those appointed or elected to judicial positions. 

Additionally, few people know what qualifies a person to be a Judge. What have Judges been like in the past? What are they like today? What are the most important qualities for a Judge to have? 

Join Rick Green on the studio set of WallBuilders Live as he discusses what the most important components of a good Judge are.

What is a 1776er?

Now more than ever before – except for on Christmas Day 1776 – we need to restore liberty! Patriot Academy is aiming to enlist 1,776 patriots to join our movement to restore liberty by becoming a ‘1776er’.

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Filmed in the very room where the Constitution was written... this course will give you a complete understanding of the Founding Fathers original intent of the Constitution