Did You Know – That George Washington Was Considered Bulletproof?

As his legend began to grow, many people considered the future President George Washington to be bulletproof! But it wasn’t because of something he did in the Revolution, it was from his heroics in a battle 20 years earlier.

During the Battle of Monongahela (1755), Washington earned this legend by leading his troops even when all other officers around him had been shot off of their horses. He left that battle with 4 bullet holes in his coat, one in his hat, bullet fragments in his hair, and 2 horses shot out from under him, but he was unscathed.

The French were mystified.

The Indian sharpshooters were amazed. Was Washington just lucky, or was he protected by a higher power?

What is a 1776er?

Now more than ever before – except for on Christmas Day 1776 – we need to restore liberty! Patriot Academy is aiming to enlist 1,776 patriots to join our movement to restore liberty by becoming a ‘1776er’.

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