Educating & Equipping Citizens to Rekindle the Torch of Freedom in Their Communities!

Upcoming Patriot Academy
Constitution Coach Events

The Most Frequently Asked Question!
“What does being a Coach entail?”

Glad you asked! No experience needed and becoming a Host is completely free!

You are NOT expected to be the authority on the subject. The only criteria is loving your country, wanting to share truth and to keep the torch of freedom burning brightly in this generation and the next!

Hosting a class can be as simple as inviting a few friends over and pressing play!

You Can Choose the Constitution Course That Best Fits You & Your Audience!

Ordinary Citizens restoring an Extraordinary Nation and WE NEED YOU! Using our entertaining, inspiring, and practical Constitution Course videos & materials, YOU can be the Patriot who rekindles the fire of liberty in your community!

Choose from Constitution Alive!, Biblical Citizenship, or Constitutional Defense. Watch the video as Rick explains the distinctions of each course.

A Quick Start Guide, 30,000 foot, in-depth overview of the entire Constitution. Shot on location in Independence Hall and the Wallbuilders’ library!

Activate Biblical and National citizenship. Constitutional overview (much of Const. Alive!), supplemented with commentary from pastors and christian leaders!

Constitutional overview with 2nd Amendment/Self-Defense as the focus. Aimed directly at more secular, firearms enthusiasts!

The 8 week Biblical Citizenship in Modern America course condensed down to 5 videos each ~45 minutes long. Perfect to host over lunch breaks with your co-workers!

  • 5 video class
  • Optional bonus 6th video
  • ~45 minutes per video

Constitution Classes in Every American Community!