Patriot Press

Remember, Republicans

Frank Alegria, Patriot Academy Alumnus In March 2010, Democrat leadership in the House and Senate passed the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, filled with an endless sea of contradictory m...

Run, Hide, (not) Tell

Jonathan Paine  The media was salivating non-stop leading up to James Comey’s testimony before Congress this week. And it has been the front and center story ever since. Over 3 hours of testimony is r...

Thomas Stone: Lives, Fortunes, Sacred Honor

Marc Cole Little is known about Thomas Stone. We know that he was a diligent and capable lawyer and a devoted family man. We know that he was good with his hands, building his family home which he nam...

Something Military Veterans Should Know…

Patriot Academy is expanding every year. And this is especially good news for the Patriots who have served in the armed forces. Now you too can experience the nation’s premier political and leadership...

Age Is No Longer An Obstacle!

If you’ve ever gotten excited about the training Patriot Academy is offering, only to have your dreams dashed by the age limit of 25, then we have good news for you. Age is no longer an obstacle! Patr...

Not Your Job: Paris Climate Accords

Jonathan Paine Donald Trump has finally done it. Now 2 major campaign promises can be checked off the list. He may have missed the 100 day deadline, however, it’s done. America is now officially out o...

The Great Rule: Foreign Nations

The world is becoming more and more interconnected. Technology is making this planet smaller everyday. This can have many benefits including cheaper goods and services and an expansion of knowledge an...

William Paca: Lives, Fortunes, Sacred Honor

Marc Cole William Paca of Maryland, born in 1740, was the son of a wealthy planter. His father recognized the young man’s intelligence early on and accordingly rigorously tutored him at home in the cl...

Spitting On The Graves of Our Soldiers

From National Review “A shocking new video has just been released by the Center for Medical Progress, the undercover investigative group that in 2015 released videos showing that Planned Parenthood af...