June 2022

June 30, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

Today’s reading is a great reminder that we should not fear man.

June 29, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

Today’s reading reminds us of the sovereignty of God and the privilege we have to be the clay. There is also much in today’s reading that reminds me of the false teachings we have allowed the American...

June 28, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

I missed commenting on a really good verse yesterday in Isaiah 40:31. Those who waited on the Lord are now gaining new strength, mounting up with wings like eagles, and running without getting tired o...

June 27, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

Today’s reading has the sad response from Hezekiah none of us should adopt as our philosophy. He was perfectly fine with his kids and grandkids losing their freedom as long as he had peace in his day....

June 26, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

Today’s reading includes the obnoxious threats against Hezekiah that remind me of the threats being made by the left in America today. But as we read in the article, “God Hears the Threats Against Us....

June 23, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

Today’s reading reminds us that the rise & fall of nations & empires is like the blink of an eye to God and that the blessings & curses for nations are a direct result of them either keepi...

June 22, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

I absolutely love the references to a remnant in today’s Founder’s Bible reading. My kids named their band Remnant Rising and we get to see that remnant rising every day in our work at Patriot Academy...

June 21, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

Today’s reading covers the story of how we became One Nation Under God by assuming among the powers of the earth what the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God entitled us.

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