April 2022

April 10, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

Yea, yea, I know it’s tough getting through all the genealogy, but we’re going to pick up some golden nuggets along the way, including in yesterday’s reading the prayer of Jabez made famous a few year...

April 9, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

I love the article today on God & War. The exchange with John Jay regarding the question of whether all war is wrong is quite fascinating. I think it applies the same to “violence.” People today a...

April 8, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

Forgot to mention Josiah yesterday. Now there is a model for what we need in our Nation today… discover the truth and change our ways as a result. Today we finish out 2 Kings and begin 1 Chronicles, w...

April 7, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

Yesterday & Today’s reading in the Founder’s Bible reminds us that every leader is a mixed bag…none are perfect. I love Hezekiah’s courage to rebel against Assyria & to ask God for more years ...

April 5, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

Today we witness the fall of Israel in Ch 17 for the same reason we see America falling… turning from Biblical principles and embracing destructive principles. Can we prevent the same fate? Only...

April 4, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

High drama for the kingdom multiple times in today’s reading and I’m pretty sure Jehu was Navy Seal trained.

April 3, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

From the oil not running out to floating an axe head, several stories in today’s reading remind us the God knows our every need and can meet the small ones and the big ones!

April 2, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

If you ever think you’re the only one standing against the mob or the crowd or the group think, check out today’s reading and how Micaiah was willing to speak truth even when every other “prophet” was...