March 1, 2022 – Daily Founders’ Bible Reading

2 Points from me on Today’s Reading. First is lighthearted, second is quite serious.
First, if you ever think what God is asking you to do is too difficult or even crazy, just remember what Joshua had the men do before marching on Jericho. Not going to lie, I would have definitely had a moment of doubt before following that plan. ?
Second, the loss to Ai and today’s article remind us that if we want healing in our land and true restoration, it starts in our hearts and on our knees… repenting of our sins, turning from them, and constantly humbling ourselves before the Lord. Will you join me today in confessing sin to the Lord and turning from it?
“Oh God, our little pleasures and habits that are so easy to dismiss in such a cesspool of a culture… please convict us of them, forgive us, and give us the power to turn from our wicked ways. Lead us to victory personally and in the culture and heal our land!”

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